Upcoming Talks/conferences
- I'll be at the KITP program "The Dynamics of Quantum Information" from August 6-24 2018.
Recent Talks
- “Dynamics and topology of driven quantum systems.” Kent State University physics colloquium, September 21 2017.
- “Dynamics of boundary-driven gapless quantum systems.” CCNY condensed matter seminar, March 28 2017.
- “Dynamics and topology of driven quantum systems.” UC Merced physics colloquium, March 23 2017.
- “Dynamics and topology of driven quantum systems.” Colorado School of Mines physics colloquium, March 20 2017.
- “Dynamics and topology of driven quantum systems.” UC Santa Cruz physics colloquium, February 9 2017.
- “Universality in dynamics of engineered quantum systems.” UT Dallas physics colloquium, January 25 2017.
- “Discussion on Floquet systems.” KITP synthetic quantum matter program, December 9 2016.
- “Unexpected effects in periodic driving of gapless topological systems.” Boston University CMT seminar, September 9 2016.
- "Chiral anomalies in the Weyl-Hofstadter butterfly." Hot topics in cold matter conference, Berkeley, CA, May 26-27 2016.
- "Unexpected effects in periodic driving of gapless topological systems." Caltech IQIM seminar, May 20 2016.
- "Unexpected effects in periodic driving of gapless topological systems." UC Irvine CMT seminar, May 18 2016.
- “'Relativistic' corrections to the mass of a plucked guitar string.” APS March Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 18 2016.
- “Adiabaticity in Floquet systems.” CAIQUE review meeting, UC Berkeley, January 11 2016.
- “Geometric effects and dynamics of Floquet systems.” Geometry and quantum dynamics conference, IIP Brazil, October 26-30 2015.
- “Non-adiabatic effects in periodically driven systems.” CMT seminar, UC Berkeley, October 14 2015.
- “Measuring geometry and topology in superconducting qubits.” Harvard ITAMP seminar, April 3 2015.
- “The quest for universality in dynamical quantum systems.” Boulder physics colloquium, February 26 2015.
- “Measuring topological transitions in superconducting qubits.” Physics of quantum electronics conference, January 4-7 2015.
- “Universality in ramps of closed quantum systems.” Station Q seminar, November 3 2014.
- “Universality in dynamics of closed quantum systems.” ICMT seminar, University of Illinois, October 13 2014.
- Even older talks...